Marilyn Lyseng Pettilkow

Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl

Marilyn Lyseng 1 year old
Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl

Joanne Gjengdahl and Marilyn Lyseng
Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl

Marilyn Lyseng - 1943
Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl

Marilyn Lyseng, 1949
Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl

Marilyn and her husband, Richard Pettilkow
Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl

Marilyn Lyseng, Nels Gjengdahl and Joanne Gjengdahl
Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl

Curtis Gjengdahl, Robert, Marilyn Lyseng Pittelkow
Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl

Melvin and Marilyn - 1973
Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl

Melvin and Marilyn
Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl

Click here to view Marilyn's birth certificate.

Click here to view Marilyn and Richard's marriage license

Marilyn Estella Lyseng Pettilkow was born on April 22, 1931, and passed away on April 24th, 2010.
She was married to Richard Pittelkow in 1954. Richard was born on December 20, 1931 and passed
away on February 13, 1996 at 64 years of age.

Marilyn Lyseng Pittelkow Obituary

Photograph - Curtis Gjengdahl