Inga Hendrickson Teig

Photograph: Footprints Along the Stoney p. 413

Photograph: Ruthanne Henderson
1930 - Inga Hendrickson Nursing Degree Graduation

Photograph: Ruthanne Henderson
1930 - Inga Hendrickson Teig Memorial

Inga was born on September 28, 1905 and was in the first graduating class of nurses at St. Mary's Hospital in Camrose.
She obtained her R.N. degree, but went on to receive her Physiotherapy degree as well.

She practiced in Alberta and then went on to California. Inga married Nels Teig, a building constructor and they lived
in San Diego, California. Inga passed away on October 23, 1991.

Footprints Along the Stoney. p. 414