Algar Lyseng

Footprints Along the Stoney p. 274

Algar Lyseng and Vera (Throndson) Lyseng

Nels and Oline Lyseng's second son was Algar. He was educated at Baldenstein School and C.L.C.
He married Vera Throndson, daughter of Theodore and Ida Throndson, at Fridhem Lutheran Church,
east of Armena, in 1937. They settled on the quarter just west of his father's home place. Their five children also all attended Baldenstein School, which was a center for community activities, ball games, picnics, programs. The Baldenstein Welfare Workers started during the war.

After the war ended, they supported the Bethany Children's Home near Gwynne, donating money and assisting with mending, ironing and other chores. When school buses came into being, the Baldenstein School closed, and membership in the Welfare Workers dwindled so the few remaining members decided to devote their efforts to church work.

During the 1950's the Hutterites began making advances toward purchasing land for a • 'colony" in
the area. They approached Algar, but since the issue was controversial, he called a "community meeting" at his place. Since a good number of his neighbors were opposed to having a settlement Of this nature in the area, he turned it down. (The Hutterites have since purchased quite a large area within the community)

In 1961, Algar purchased the Langbell Studio, and in 1962, the farm was sold to Ken Nyback, and
the family moved into Camrose. After a couple of years, their oldest son David, took over as
photographer, and in 1968 they moved to new premises (the former Brody store) and changed the name to "Lyseng Studios. " Algar and Vera had a family of five children. Their story will be given briefly.

As already stated David took over the Photography section of the business. He took several courses
and a Master Photographer, and has done some beautiful work. David has won distinction in the photography business and has won many prizes and awards. In 1973 David married Patricia Yaeck of

Algar and Vera's second son, Merlin, went into Electrical Engineering and is now employed in Cal-
gary. He married Sharon Harke of Hay Lakes, in 1963 and they have two children, Darren and Susan.

Shirley Lyseng is a secretary employed at Camrose Lutheran College.

The third boy Glenn, took over the management of Lyseng Studios after his father's death. He married EdIith Radomsky in 1975 and they have two children Jeremy James (J.J.) and Jennifer Ann.

The fifth child of Vera and Algar is Liane who married Stan Wahlstrom in 1970. and they have two
children Kristi and Steven. They live in Wetaskiwin, where Stan is teaching school.

Algar had a heart attack when quite young, and another later when he passed away in 1972. The
family business has been carried on by his sons and by his wife Vera who does tinting and framing of pictures. This family has been of much help in the work at Messiah Lutheran Church. Algar had held many of the positions available in the Church Council, on the Board of Regents of Camrose Lutheran College and also held offices in The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada, Church Board, based in Saskatoon.

Footprints Along the Stoney p. 276