Alna Lyseng and Leif Nisi
written by Alna Nisi
Alna Josephine, eldest daughter of Carl and Ragna. Alna was born in 1910 and baptised and confirmed in Scandia Lutheran
Church. She received her schooling at the Thordenskjold School. She helped her mother with the
younger children and learned to cook and sew and all
the other things family life entails, as well as taking
part in Choir, youth work and teaching Sunday
She was also involved with the girls clubs —
Sunshine Club and later the L.D.R. (Lutheran
Daughters of the Reformation).
Leif Nisi was born in Tinnoset, Telemark, Norway,
on September 10, 1905. He immigrated to the Camrose
area in February 1928. The winter of 1928-29 he
attended C. L.C. to learn the English language. Together with his brother Torstein, who had arrived
from Norway in the fall of 1927, he bought a farm
N. W. of Camrose. near the Baldenstein School in the
spring of 1929.
They farmed there until the spring of
1932 when they sold that farm. Torstein then decided
to start a blacksmith shop in New Norway and Leif
rented the John Broen farm. N. W. of Arrnena. Then,
in 1934, he rented the Andrew Solheim farm west of Armena and farmed there until ill health forced him
to retire from farming.
Also in 1934 Leif married Alna Lyseng. They
raised three children there: Orlando, Adele and Lyle.
Their histories follow.
Orlando Conrad born May 6, 1935, attended Armena School, then started working for Petcal Oil Co.
near Armena but is now with Esso Resources, working in the Engineering Department at Calgary. On
January 12, 1957 he married Margaret Schroeder of
Camrose and they had four children.
Laurel Janet
born and died in 1957.
Roderick Michael was born on
March 27, 1959, and married Kathrine (Brandt)
Rath. He is attending the University of Alberta in
Rory Sheldon born on July 1960, died in
October the same year. Jeffrey Darren born April 25,
1962 is attending Mount Royal College in Calgary.
Adele Ruth born August 30. 1937, married Ross
Arthur on June 7, 1958. Ross works for an Edmonton
Radio Station in Sales and also Sports News. Adele
works for the Edmonton School Board in the office.
Their four children are:
Shelley Lynn born February 14, 1960, married
Edward Olfert on April 21. 1979. Ed is a meat cutter
at Woodwards Store, Edmonton.
Scott Gregory was
born September 25, 1962 and works in Penticton, B.C.
Kym Pamela born February 21, 1964 and is a
grade XII student in Edmonton.
Janet Michelle was
born February 25, 1972 and is still in school.
Alna and Leif's third child, Lyle Gary was born
on July 19, 1941. He married Dianne Merritt. Lyle is
with the Bank of Nova Scotia as Loan Administrator,
Real Estate Credit, at the Regional Office in Calgary.
Dianne works as Operations Control for the Bank Of
Montreal, in Calgary.
After leaving the farm Alna and Leif lived in
Armena for many years. Leif regained a measure of
health and was able to do lighter work. For a time he
drove a school bus and was then janitor at the Armena
School for some years, until retirement.

He passed
away on December l, 1978.
Alna worked at Rosehaven in Camrose until
She now lives in
Alna passed away in Camrose on December 18, 2002.