Mina Lyseng Solheim Biography

Pictures: Footprints Along the Stoney p. 278
Mina was born January 7, 1885 in Clinton, Minnesota. She grew up there and had all her early schooling
at Clinton. She moved with her family to the North West Territories in 1902. However, Mina moved back
to the United States, finished her schooling and taught at Bethania College in Washington.
Soon plans were afoot in Canada to obtain higher education for the many immigrant children who wanted
nearby church institutions, thus the Norwegian Lutheran College Association was formed in 1910. In 1911,
classes began in the Heather Brae House, later known as the Heather Brae Hotel. A year later, the first College
building was erected, now known as Founder's Hall. Knut Lyseng was a member of the first Board of Trustees.
Mina applied for and received the position of Preceptress (Dean of Women) and as a teacher of Domestic Science.
Her salary was $450 and Room and Board. Mina was liked and was soon put on permanent staff. In 1914, Andrew
Solheim married Mina and they moved to Red Wing, Minnesota where Andrew was ordained into the Lutheran
They then came back to Camrose for several years, where he taught at the Camrose Lutheran College
and he
also preached in the area. After preaching at various churches (Bethlehem, Calgary, Red Wing, they moved to
Vancouver in 1943 and remained there until his sudden passing in 1952.
Ten years after Andrew's death, Mina married Jacob Davik and went to live in his home in Clinton, Minnesota.
After Jacob passed away in 1969, Mina returned to the coast.
In 1973, Mina moved to Camrose - but found the
winters cold and very trying. She moved back to the Vancouver
area and lived in Zion Park Manor, in Surrey.
Mina passed away in April, 1981.
Mina and Andrew had seven children: Merlin, Arthur, Otto, Mildred, Harold, James and Ardith.
Footprints Along the Stoney p. 278-9

Footprints Along the Stoney p. 279

Photo courtesy of Michelle Plante