Ole K. Lyseng - Unrelated Medallions


Note to the reader:

This section contains two medallions. One medallion definitely does not involve Ole as it
commemorates an event that took place in 1926, years after Ole’s death.
However it is included here as they were found in a box that was recovered from the Knut and
Marit Lyseng home by their eldest son, Nels Lyseng.

On his passing, the box and its contents fell to his daughter Norma Dalen, who in turn
passed the box and contents to Larry and Orrin Lyseng, Ole’s nephews. Negotiations are
underway to place these items at the Carl Lyseng House in the Camrose & District Museum
referenced elsewhere in this website.

The box contained three items: Ole Lyseng’s war medal (illustrated in section entitled War Medal),
a medallion and ribbon marking the Camrose Celebration of the First Convention of the Norse
Society of Canada and finally a medallion which is in fact a pocket watch fob from the University
of Southern Minnesota, A.E.A. On the back of the fob would appear to be the hand carved initials of Ole.

Nordmanns Forbundet i Canada
The Norse Society of Canada Medallion

The Valdris at the top of the ribbon refers to Valdres, Norway - the district (province) where the Lyseng Farms are located.

The Norse Society of Canada Medallion - Close Up

The Norse Society of Canada Medallion - Reverse
Enig og Tro
United and Loyal (True).
This is part of the national motto of Norway.
The full verse is: Enige og tro inntil Dovre faller
United and loyal (True) until the Dovre Mountains crumble (fall),

Medallion from the University of Southern Minnesota.

For more information on the University of Southern Minnesota - click here.

Medallion from the University of Southern Minnesota - Reverse