Lyseng School History
Lyseng School was the second school to be built in the Armena, Camrose North area.
An organizational meeting was held on May 23, 1903. The ten disctrict members voted
for the establishment of a school. Erick K. Lyseng was elected chairman and
O. T. Wilson, secretary. Albert Lyseng applied and recieved title for land that was still held
by the North West Territories. The school was built in 1904. the first teacher, Annie Totten
was paid $50 and month and taught for five months. In 1910 a barn was also added. In 1944,
Lyseng School was closed and the children in the area attended school at Baldenstein, until
bussing could be arranged to Armena School.
Footprints Along the Stoney p. 107-8