Christine Eliza Lyseng Gjengdahl
Christine was born on May 7, 1889 and died on June 9, 1974.
She married Rasmus Gjengdahl on October 16, 1920.
Rasmus was the widower of Christine's sister - Marie.
Rasmus was a carpenter. They lived in Ortonville, Minnesota.
Christine had a daughter from a previous relationship, Ruth Evelyn (Evelyn).
Rasmus and Christine also had a daughter, Mary. Rasmus
and Christine are
buried in
Mound Cemetery, in Ortonville, Minnesota.
Evelyn later married Nels Gjengdahl.
Evelyn Lyseng
Photo - Curtis Gjengdahl
Evelyn Lyseng Gjengdahl and Nels Gjengdahl
Photo - Curtis Gjengdahl
Nels and Evelyn Gjengdahl - 1981
Photo - Curtis Gjengdahl
Mary Jane Gjengdahl
Photo - Curtis Gjengdahl