Elling Engebretson (Lyseng)


Elling Engebretson's Grave Marker
Sarah Engebretson's Grave Marker (second wife)
Buried: Maynard Cemetery, Maynard, Minnesota

Elling Engebretson (Lyseng) - married twice
                        Born: July 10, 1838       
                        Married: June 1861 to Maline Anderson
                        Married: 1866 to (Siri) Sarah Gilbertson
                        Died: January 6, 1910
                        Buried: Maynard Cemetery, Maynard, Minnesota

Anna Hong. Our Norwegian Ancestors. P. 161

            Maline Anderson
                        Died: 1861
                        Buried: Holden Cemetery, Kenyon, Minnesota
            (Siri) Sarah Gilbertson
                        Born: 1844
                        Died: 1934
Elling was born and reared at Lyseng farm. He emigrated to America from Gudbrandsdal - passing through Quebec to Valders. The Grypen Church records show that at Valders on May 29, 1858 he was a sponsor at the baptism of Knud Knudsen's son. Next, he went to the home of his sister, Isabel Kolstad, at Kenyon, Minnesota. There he was married in June, 1861. His wife Maline died the same year and was buried in Holden Cemetery, near Kenyon, Minnesota.

Elling joined the U.S. Army and belonged to Company A 5th Minnesota Volunteers. His Company was involved in Indian skirmishes in 1862 along the Minnesota River, and then went south and fought battles at Redwood, Ft. Ridgely, Ft. Ambercrombie, Ft. Riley and in the Red River expeditions in Louisiana and Alabama. His most note-worthy battles were at Vicksburg, Nashville, Farmington, and Corinth. He re-enlisted as a Corporal in 1864. He was mustered out of service September 6, 1865, when the war ended. Elling was permantly disabled by his army service , and always walked with a limp. He was buried in the Lutheran Cemetery at Maynard, Minnesota.

After the Civil War, Elling bought a farm in Goodhue County, Minnesota and in 1866 he married Sarah Gilbertson. In 1871 he sold his farm and joined a caravan of several related families that made a long trek by covered wagon to western Minnesota where free land was available. As Elling was a war veteran, he took a quarter section of land located near Montevideo. After the farm was sold, Elling gave each of their children USD $1000. In today's money that would be USD $18,184.30. http://www.measuringworth.com/calculators/uscompare/result.php

After Elling sold the farm, he and Sarah bought a house in in Maynard, Minnesota where they lived for the rest of their lives. Elling sometimes served the county as a commissioner.

Anna Hong. Our Norwegian Ancestors. P. 161-162

Marriage Record

Courtesy of Tim Boyd - FamilySearch.org