Gjertrud Lyseng
Picture - Paul Lund
Gjertrud and Andreas owned and operated the ancestral Lyseng farm at Skrautvål.
Andreas was born at Tiev farm but adopted the name Lyseng. Gjertrude and Andreas
owned and operated the ancestral Lyseng-Haugen farm at Skrautval.
After Gjertrude became a widow, she emigrated to the USA where she homesteaded
in Day County, South Dakota where land was free. After emigrating to America and
homesteading in South Dakota, Gjertrude married her neighbor, Robert Boe.
Her grandchildren remember her great kindness and the fact that she smoked a pipe!
On her impressive grave stone is this epitaph in Norwegian: "She was friendly to all."
Gertrude and Andreas had one child, Marit, who took over the Lyseng Farm in Norway.
According to the 1905 South Dakota census, she was registered as Gjertrud Bowe.
Anna Hong. Our Norwegian Ancestors. P. 146
Anna Hong. Our Norwegian Ancestors. P. 146